CG数据库 >> Houdini教程 INK FX系统制作经典油墨水墨流体特效案例全面讲解培训视频教学

Houdini一个全新 INK FX系统,油墨的水效果是经典之中的艺术家和科学家们的一致好评。




New for this season, cmiVFX brings you a brand new and improved Houdini INK FX system.

The Ink In Water effect is a classic amongst artists and scientists alike.

Usually, the definition of Ink In Water is pretty self explanatory, however this time we will show you the easiest way for Houdini to tackle this effect.

The truth, as we like to call a well done effect, is something that each person can master on their own personal style, yet Houdini can assist with this uniqueness due to the amount of data it can handle.

Come see how awesome the power of Houdini really is while finally learning a very popular, and commercially viable effect shot.

Houdini教程 INK FX系统制作经典油墨水墨流体特效案例全面讲解培训视频教学的图片1

发布日期: 2015-6-12