CG数据库 >> AE与C4D商业广告宣传案列制作教程 Motion Graphics动态图形设计


Over the years at fxphd, we’ve done a lot of great courses covering working in After Effects and other apps, doing both motion graphics and visual effects.

This has even included developing our own in-house fxphd projects.

For AFX216, we’re switching it up a bit and are going to cover several different interesting projects during the term.

We’ll dive into details regarding these “real world” projects, taking a several of them from concept to completion.

A good example of this is one of our flagship projects that is part of the course, “Found”, a beautiful experimental piece created by Nice Shoes see project here.

We’ll be sitting down with creative director Brian Bowman for an on camera discussion regarding the project, where we’ll talk about the development of the story, the benefits (and pitfalls) of working in-house, the tech side of things, as well the added complexity of stereoscopic in the project.

Next, we’ll dive into After Affects for several classes and cover some of the specific creative techniques used to create the gorgeous imagery.

Frederick Ross of boutique shilo in California is breaking down work he did for a Heineken spot.

They wanted to show the beer’s journey from the bottle to the glass in one epic pour.

The audience is immersed in the beer at a subatomic level revealing a hidden world of supernovas and nebulas.

A wormhole like phenomenon transitions the world of the bottle to the world of the glass where hot air balloons float through billowy clouds.

We pull out to reveal someone pouring a glass of beer.

This project involved a lot of different media, software and, techniques combined to make one cohesive spot.


AE与C4D商业广告宣传案列制作教程 Motion Graphics动态图形设计的图片1

发布日期: 2015-8-19