CG数据库 >> Quick Menu V1.0 AE脚本 自定快捷菜单命令快速查找

Quick Menu是用户自定义快捷键调用出现在你的UI中的快捷方式。

它是智能、直观,让你在After Effects快速启动的效果、插件、预置、脚本和表达式和大多数菜单命令。


Quick Menu is a launcher that appears over your UI when invoked by a user definable shortcut.

It is smart and intuitive and lets you quickly launch effects, plugins, presets, scripts and expressions and most menu commands in After Effects.

This lets you stay focused on creating and not interrupt your workflow hunting through menus.

兼容性:AE CS6、CC、CC2014、CC2015(Win&Mac)

安装方法:复制后缀名为.jsxbin文件到Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels目录下


Quick Menu V1.0 AE脚本 自定快捷菜单命令快速查找的图片1

发布日期: 2015-9-25