FumeFX是世界上第一款面向3ds Max的商用气态流体动力学仿真插件,作为一款强大的流体动力学引擎,它专为模拟、渲染真实的火、烟、爆炸和其他的气态现象而设计。
新版本 FUMEFX 4.0 特点:
New, faster solver.
New vorticity type.
Sharpening of various channels during the simulation.
New burning model with oxygen.
Wavelet or Post simulation to be able to wait for caches (DC-deferred caches option).
Infinite nesting of N-Sim grids.
Email notifications.
Spline Follow force.
Faster application of objects and sources.
Defector objects voxelization resolution and minimal voxelization.
OpenVDB support.
Effector has an option to use a 3D Texmap for input.
Field3D and OpenVDB importer allows for channels assignment.
PRT|PDC particle system.
Direct picking of ParticleFlow events.
ParticleFlow float and vector channel access.
Motion blur rendering support.
Black-body shader.
Support for VRay’s deep data.
Sharpening of fire and smoke at render time.
Recently used caches list.
Caches drag and drop.
Quick path/filename versioning.
Cache files delete.
ini location can be defined with the environment variable FUMEFX_INI.
Read-only mode so that user can’t overwrite caches by an accident.
CPU Preview Window can have shadows as well.
Shadows inside the 3ds max viewport.
Preview Window exact window size.
MXS: CancelSimulation , StopSimulation ,DeleteCaches ,ResizePreview(width, height).
Support for 64-bit Windows only.
插件兼容性: MAX 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
发布日期: 2015-10-30