CG数据库 >> HB ModellingBundle 2.1 C4D插件 快速三维建模工具脚本合集包

HB Modelling Bundle 是一组专为Maxon Cinema 4D编写的60多个建模工具脚本合集。



使用HB Modelling Bundle ,你可以收到60多个脚本,也是一种很好选择的快捷键,C4D造型布局和C4D模板场景显示视窗中的工具设置,使得在全屏模式下工作更加容易。

HB Modelling Bundle是Holger Biebrach花了10年经验的结果,作为专业的Cinema 4D三维多面手。





CINEMA 4D R13,R14,R15,R16,R17 (Win/Mac)


1. Installing the Scripts:

Copy the Folder „HB_ModellingBundle_V2.0_pro“ to the following location:

WINDOWS: user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D\library\scripts

OSX: user/library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA 4D/library/scripts

2. Installing the Shortcuts (not mandatory but highly recommended):

!!!First make a Backup of your old shortcuts by renaming the File shortcuttable.res

in your prefs-Folder to shortcuttable.res_BACKUP

Copy the File „shortcuttable.res“ to following location:

WINDOWS: user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D\prefs

OSX: user/library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA 4D/prefs

3. Installing the HB ModellingBundle Layout (not mandatory but highly recommended):

Copy the File „HB_ModellingBundle.l4d“ to following location (if the layout-Folder does not exist please create a Folder called „layout“)

WINDOWS: user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D\library\layout

OSX: user/library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA 4D/library/layout

To Use your own Layout with HB ModellingBundle:

In case you want to use your own Layout and want to merge the HB Modelling tools you can load the HB palettes (palette_Basictools.l4d and palette_Specialtools.l4d)

by right clicking in your layout and choose „Load Palette“

4. Installing the New-Template:

Copy the File „new.c4d“ to following location:

WINDOWS: user\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\CINEMA 4D

OSX: user/library/Preferences/MAXON/CINEMA 4D


HB ModellingBundle 2.1 C4D插件 快速三维建模工具脚本合集包的图片1

发布日期: 2016-1-12