CG数据库 >> Maya教程 Bifrost流体特效插件全面基础培训案例视频教程

语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)

使用软件: Maya 2016, SP5

持续时间: 2小时12分

项目文件: 包括


在这个过程中,您将学习如何利用所谓的Maya Bifrost的大型FLIP流体解算器。





In this course, you’ll learn how to take advantage of Maya’s large-scale FLIP fluid solver called Bifrost.

Bifrost is the name of Maya’s integrated FLIP fluid solver.

It’s great for users who want to create large scale fluid simulations without having to leave Maya’s interface for a third-party tool.

With this course, you’ll learn some of the key workflows and fundamentals of Bifrost.

Then you’ll take that knowledge to build a simulation you might find in a typical production pipeline.

Maya教程 Bifrost流体特效插件全面基础培训案例视频教程的图片1

发布日期: 2016-4-10