CG数据库 >> C4D教程 产品级翅膀羽毛建模系统高级技术训练 Cinema4D视频教程

语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)

使用软件: Cinema 4D

持续时间: 2小时22分

项目文件: 包括



Exciting last minute video release by cmiVFX just in time for NAB! The long awaited Advanced Feather Systems video is now available and will not disappoint! Take control over exact feather placements on wings and body, multiple lengths and directions, dynamic controls and geometrical substitutions for non-hair based mechanical wings. This might be one of the most entertaining videos on the subject ever made. Fast paced, yet extremely thorough. You will be a feather expert immediately after watching this video. Why wait for all your peers to excel past you in general CG knowledge when it has never been so easy to learn?


C4D教程 产品级翅膀羽毛建模系统高级技术训练 Cinema4D视频教程的图片1

发布日期: 2016-4-20