CG数据库 >> Maya2017视频教程 流体动力学Bifrost案例学习课程 免费下载


语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)

使用软件: Maya2017、Arnold

插件要求: 无

持续时间: 4小时 31分钟

项目文件: 包括

文件大小: 2.53 GB


01: Class Overview: what we’ll cover and final results

02: Requirements : Maya Version, where to download, which version and how to install

03: Geometry preparation: how to setup maya scene file for simulation: Scale Units, Watertight Objects

04: Simulation setup: emitters

05: Simulation setup: colliders

06: Simulation setup: BiFrost container and liquid properties

07: Setting up the skull scene: part 1

08: Caching part 1: simulation

09: Simulation setup: motion fields and kill planes

10: Caching part 2: BiFrost shape and mesh export

11: Arnold rendering

12: Arnold 4 vs Arnold 5

Maya2017视频教程 流体动力学Bifrost案例学习课程 免费下载的图片1

发布日期: 2017-7-11