CG数据库 >> AETUTS教程-Create An Intensely Twisted Action Title Sequence

在本教程中,我们将使用一些简单的技巧在Cinema 4D创造了一些非常可怕的标题效果。


我们将尽所有的颜色分级,噪音,色差,甚至是简单的编辑内部After Effects。

In this tutorial we are going to use a few simple techniques in Cinema 4d to create some pretty awesome title effects.

After we render them out, we are going to have a ton of fun compositing them in using various techniques and filters.

We will do all the color grading, noise, chromatic aberrations and even simple editing inside After Effects.

AETUTS教程-Create An Intensely Twisted Action Title Sequence的图片1

发布日期: 2013-3-6