CG数据库 >> 600多套C4D模型项目工程文件素材包下载


– V1是早期的一些测试和工程

– V2是近期的一些测试和工程

– V3是GSG做的一些项目

– V4是GSG插件教程里讲解涉及到的一些场景工程文件

– V5是2015年一些演讲的工程

这是GSG从2003 – 2015年期间整理的数百个Cinema 4D和After Effects场景文件。


大家可以直接查看GSG如何在Cinema 4D中设置场景文件,渲染设置和合成数百个动画和静态渲染,这样可以让您学得更快。

Greyscalegorilla Drive features hundreds of Cinema 4D and After Effects Scene files from 2003-2015.

I scoured my archives and folders for every single C4D scene file that I could find.

Tests, Projects, Dead Ends, Tutorials, Client Work.

It’s all here and ready for you to use any way you want.

Greyscalegorilla Drive is an exclusive training product from Greyscalegorilla that includes hundreds of scene files to learn from and play with in Cinema 4D.

It spans over 12 years of my learning and experiments in Cinema 4D allowing you to learn faster by seeing directly how I set up scene files, render settings, and compositing on hundreds of animations and still renders in Cinema 4D.


发布日期: 2019-3-14