CG数据库 >> AE 图层分组脚本 Layer Groups v1.0

This is a simple plugin script for After Effects that ports the Layer Groups paradigm from Photoshop.


+Visually expand and collapse groups in the timeline.

+Hide and show, respecting child layer visibility

+Delete group and/or contents.

+Duplicate entire groups (with stacking and relative parenting intact!)

+Easily add/subtract from groups.

+Optional parenting using Shift key.

+Rename groups

+Stacking button (+auto Stacking) – keep layer stacked properly, each to their groups and layers not in groups – out of groups.

+Groups are color coded (turn off in settings.)

AE 图层分组脚本 Layer Groups v1.0的图片1
AE 图层分组脚本 Layer Groups v1.0的图片2

发布日期: 2013-8-28