CG数据库 >> Quick Copy Paste插件Blender/Maya/C4D软件复制粘贴传输模型

Quick CopyPaste – 这是一款小工具,可让您在 Autodesk Maya、Maxon C4D、Blender 3D 等软件之间传输几何图形

C4D 与 Exporter 存在一些问题。

如果您对 CopyPaste 有任何问题,在启动 c4d 将任何对象导出到 obj 文件后,copyPaste 将正常工作。


Maya 2014+

Blender 2.8+

Maxon C4D R20+


Maya – you have to be copy ‘’ file to maya script folder and then you can use this two script for create your shell button or hotkeys:

—— Shelf button – export ——

import quickCopyPaste as cp



—— Shelf button – import ——

import quickCopyPaste as cp



Blender 2.8 – take this addon file ‘’ and install it as regular add-on

Maxon C4D – Copy script and icon files to directory C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\MAXON\Cinema 4D {VERSIONS}\library\scripts\

2. Open script manager SHIFT+F11 load script files and drug and drop icon to c4d shelf

3. Enjoy

Quick Copy Paste插件Blender/Maya/C4D软件复制粘贴传输模型的图片1

发布日期: 2022-1-11