CG数据库 >> Flame与Smoke周年庆影视特效大师班课程视频教程

本教程是关于Flame与Smoke周年庆影视特效大师班课程视频教程,时长:8小时01分,大小:4.4 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Flame,Smoke,附源文件,作者:Mark Renton,共10个章节,语言:英语。



Autodesk Flame 提供出色的性能和荣获奥斯卡奖的工具。

从全国性的电视广告片和音乐电视到风靡一时的电影,Flame 为视觉特效艺术家成功完成制作项目提供了所需的交互性和灵活性。

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Flame, we’re bringing in a variety of Flame (and Smoke) artists to share projects and knowledge which they find particularly interesting. So much has changed in the software over the last several years, sometimes the best way to see what you’ve missed is by watching others work. The course will feature five different artists over the duration of the term. Profs include Randy McEntee (The Mill, NYC), Brian Mulligan (WTHR-TV, Indianapolis), Victor Wolansky, and others.course syllabusCLASS 1We explore PFTrack 2011’s image modeling and texture extraction features to allow us to quickly solve a camera and generate textured geometry in order to execute a partial set reconstruction.CLASS 2We complete our FBX scene export from PFTrack and bring it into Smoke where we walk through the composite specifics and final the shot.CLASS 3Creating something from nothing. We use Smoke to make a motion graphics piece from a few stills to create a ground level football field fly over. We explore Action with camera animations, expressions, and some brute force effects. This is a typical motion graphics piece done with Smoke instead of After Effects at WTHR-TV in Indianapolis.CLASS 4Creating something from nothing, part 2.CLASS 5The line between CGI and Flame gets blurred. Normally render time intensive, here we generate AO, Z-Depth, reflection and other passes in a fraction of the time with the power of Action.CLASS 6Blurring CGI and Flame, part 2.CLASS 7Mark Renton walks us through his independent spec project “SR71”, completed entirely within Flame. Part 1 of 2.CLASS 8Mark Renton walks us through his independent spec project “SR71”, completed entirely within Flame. Part 2 of 2.CLASS 9Eric Bruno, lead Flame artists at CBS Digital on the Star Trek remastering project works through some of the compositing challenges encountered from using archival footage.CLASS 10Continuing through the work done on the Star Trek remastering project; Tony Graf works through some of the expression tricks used to make repetitive tasks much easier for the artists on a day to day basis.