CG数据库 >> Flame影视角色后期美容修饰大师级视频教程第二季

本教程是关于Flame影视角色后期美容修饰大师级视频教程第二季,时长:7小时21分,大小:6 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Flame,附源文件,作者:Christoph Zapletal,共10个章节,语言:英语。



Autodesk Flame 提供出色的性能和荣获奥斯卡奖的工具。

从全国性的电视广告片和音乐电视到风靡一时的电影,Flame 为视觉特效艺术家成功完成制作项目提供了所需的交互性和灵活性。

视频预览:The latest releases of Flame have seen some major improvements for beauty work. This, together with new beauty challenges for you to think your teeth into, warrants a second part to our series. With a total of four all-new production-level shots to work on, we’ll tackle not only the usual beauty work of removing spots and dimples, but also do tasks that are not beauty work themselves but often go hand-in-hand with beauty work.These tasks include rebuilding a glare on top of your beauty work or stabilizing a shot using motion vector warping. In that spirit, the last shot of the course will be a great challenge for everybody, as we’ll do a complete relighting on a very close-up shot using SynthEyes and Flame in close combination.This is truly a production-orientated course, meaning that each of our shots will be worked on from start-to-finish and forcing us to find solutions that fit the production reality of a real commercial production.Christoph Zapletal is a Freelance Flame and Nuke artist and has been working in the industry for a little over twenty years. One of his specialities is beauty work and retouching. Beyond that, he is an Instructor at SAE Institute and a frequent contributor to Digital Production Magazine.