CG数据库 >> Fusion影视后期节点式技术基础入门训练视频教程第一季

本教程是关于Fusion影视后期节点式技术基础入门训练视频教程第一季,时长:2小时,大小:1.6 GB,教程使用软件:FusionStudio,附源文件,共5个章节,作者:Rony Soussan,语言:英语。

!DaVinci Resolve集成了一个全新的Fusion特效软件,含有250多种工具用于合成、绘图、粒子、字幕动画等。


Fusion Studio是一款将顶尖动态图形和高端视觉特效合成汇聚于一身的强大软件。





Fusion 7绝不仅仅是简单的图层叠加,它有着一整套创意工具,可在其3D系统中创建物体和场景元素,这套强大的系统能处理数百万Polygon多边形,可实现无比复杂的立体建模成型。

Fusion Studio是好莱坞首屈一指的视觉特效合成及动态图形工具,数以千计的影视作品都是由它完成。

近日,Fusion Studio还为《沉睡魔咒》、《明日边缘》、《罪恶之城2》、《超凡蜘蛛侠2》、《美国队长》以及《地心引力》等著名电影完成了特效制作。

This course, taught by Rony Soussan, is the first in a series of introductory level courses covering Blackmagic Fusion. It is designed for users that preferably know how to composite but have never used Fusion and/or a node based application. Nodes are now everywhere, from color and compositing to shader trees. The visual aspect of a node tree helps you formulate layouts of an idea using a visual tree.CLASS 1: GETTING STARTEDThe interface, using nodes and viewers all the way to render.CLASS 2: MERGESResolution independent and coordinates system in Fusion and how that affects the basic composition structure. You will complete your first simple comp using these paradigms.CLASS 3: STRUCTURED COMPOSITIONUsing multi-passes, channel mapping, alpha multiply and divide workflows, depth tools and more.CLASS 4: ROTOHow matte operations are acommplished and the types of roto tools from spline shapes to paint. You will experiment with different roto techniques on the same subject and learn about how all of these methods work together to build comprehensive roto workflow.CLASS 5: ROTO & MATTESA practical example using all the roto methods to extract a car from the background using roto and some more advanced techniques like planar and point trackers.