本教程是关于Rhino 6 Mac版核心技能训练视频教程,时长:8小时12分,大小:1.7 GB,MP4高清视频,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Rhino 6,作者:Chris Reilly,共107个章节,语言:英语。
Rhino是是美国Robert McNeel & Assoc.开发的PC上强大的专业3D造型软件,它可以广泛地应用于三维动画制作、工业制造、科学研究以及机械设计等领域。
它能轻易整合3DS MAX 与Softimage的模型功能部分,对要求精细、弹性与复杂的3D NURBS模型,有点石成金的效能。
能输出obj、DXF、IGES、STL、3dm等不同格式,并适用于几乎所有3D软件,尤其对增加整个3D工作团队的模型生产力有明显效果,故使用3D MAX、AutoCAD、MAYA、Softimage、Houdini、Lightwave等3D设计人员不可不学习使用。
《Rhino 6工作流程基础核心技术视频教程》中文字幕版:Rhinoceros犀牛建模软件V6.21.19349 Mac版:视频预览:Rhino 6 for Mac is here. While it doesn't have the exact same features as its Windows counterpart, Rhino for Mac offers both precise and organic modeling tools, making it a great choice to designers who need to create complex forms and shapes.This course covers the key differences between the Mac and Windows versions, basic interface navigation, and techniques for generating high-quality 3D models for a variety of industries, including manufacturing, architecture, and animation. Author Chris Reilly starts by showing how to create simple geometry from points and curves and progresses to extruding solid objects for 3D printing or CNC milling. He closes with some lessons on applying custom materials and rendering your design. No prior experience with Rhino is required! Simply start watching to get up and running with this powerful 3D modeling software.Topics include:Installing Rhino for MacSelecting objectsManipulating objects with commandsCreating curves, surfaces, and solidsExtending, trimming, and offsetting curvesCreating resolved surfacesAnalyzing surfacesEditing solidsApplying transformations: scaling, rotations, and moreModeling constraintsLighting and rendering in Rhino for Mac《Rhino 6工作流程基础核心技术视频教程》中文字幕版:Rhinoceros犀牛建模软件V6.21.19349 Mac版: