本教程是关于Procreate在iPad上插画动画绘制技巧视频教程,时长:2小时10分,大小:1.8 GB,MP4高清视频格式,使用软件:Procreate,Photoshop,作者:Terry White,共15个章节,语言:英语。
分享Procreate 是一款安装在 iPad 上的功能强大、界面直观的数字绘图应用程序。
它设有许多深受艺术家喜爱的功能,其中包括 120 种简单易用的画笔、高级图层混合、64 位性能以及功能强大的画笔引擎。
由于 Procreate 专为 iPad 设计,所以它充分利用了 iPad 的所有优势。
创意人士非常喜欢 Procreate,因为它设计直观、速度流畅、原片处理能力强大,因此艺术家们可以随时随地创作出色的数字作品。
Procreate和PhotoShop优缺点对比 哪款数字绘画软件才是初学者的最佳选择:Procreate在iPad上人像数字绘画实例训练视频教程:Procreate数字绘画艺术指南大师级视频教程:Are you an illustrator that wants to start playing around with animation? Are you also intimidated by the thought of having to learn new software? Well, guess what? You don’t have to!In this class, you’ll learn fun animation techniques using Photoshop and/or Procreate. By the end, you’ll be able to create your own simple animations.This class is aimed at illustrators or anyone comfortable drawing freely and expressively. Learning some basic animation skills will breathe new life into your illustrations and open doors for new work possibilities. It also provides a great starting point if you decide you want to dive even deeper into the world of animation. Having an understanding of the fundamentals is critical to creating an effective, engaging animation.Throughout this class, you’ll learn how to:set up a file for animation in Photoshop and Procreatemake an image wiggle and vibrate naturallyuse Smears to create movement with a single frameuse exaggeration and timing to make more expressive animationscreate a morphing animated loopcombine these techniques into a dynamic animationexport your animations for different usesProcreate和PhotoShop优缺点对比 哪款数字绘画软件才是初学者的最佳选择:Procreate在iPad上人像数字绘画实例训练视频教程:Procreate数字绘画艺术指南大师级视频教程: