Lynda - Illustrator Draw Working Mobile
Lynda - Illustrator Insider Training Coloring Artwork
Lynda - Illustrator Insider Training Seeing Through Transparency
Lynda - Illustrator Tracing Artwork
Lynda - Illustrator for Non-Illustrators
Lynda - Illustrator2015 Creative Cloud Updates (updated Jun 21, 2016)
Lynda - InDesign 2015 Creative Cloud Updates (updated Dec 01, 2015)
Lynda - InDesign 2015 Creative Cloud Updates (updated Dec 01, 2015)
Lynda - InDesign CC 2015 EPUB Fundamentals
Lynda - InDesign CC 2018 Essential Training IVY
Lynda - InDesign CC Essential Training (Jan, 2016)
Lynda - InDesign CS6 to EPUB, Kindle, and iPad
Lynda - InDesign CS6 to EPUB, Kindle, and iPad
Lynda - InDesign Typography (Nov,2014)
Lynda - InfraWorks 360 Enhancing and Optimizing Roads
Lynda - InfraWorks 360 Essential Training
Lynda - InfraWorks Essential Training Tutorial
Lynda - Inkjet Printing for Photographers
Lynda - Inkscape Essential Training
Lynda - Insights on Game Industry Start-Ups John Romero
Lynda - Insights on Illustration with Craig Smallish
Lynda - Insights with a Game Designer Brenda Romero
Lynda - Instructional Design Essentials Storyboarding
Lynda - Introducing Photoshop Design with Deke McClelland
Lynda - Introducing To Photoshop - 3D
Lynda - Introduction To Graphic Design