Excel 2010 : Les indispensables
Excel 2010 For The New Project Manager (PM)
Excel 2010 for the New Project Manager (PM)
Excel 2010: Advanced Formatting Techniques
Excel 2010: Advanced Formulas and Functions
Excel 2010: Gültigkeitsregeln und Datenvalidierung Eingabefehler vermeiden
Excel 2010: How you can easily master complex functions
Excel 2010: Managing Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
Excel 2010: Pivot-Tabellen – Praxisbeispiele
Excel 2013 PowerPivot & Advanced Business Intelligence Tools
Excel 2013 Superhero: Advanced Excel Training
Excel 2013 Superhero: Advanced Excel Training
Excel 2013 Training: Become a Pro in less than 2 Hours
Excel 2013/2010: Firmenvorlagen im Corporate Design (UPDATE 11.2014)
Excel 2013: Advanced Formatting Techniques (2013)
Excel 2013: Analysis Techniques and Random Numbers
Excel 2013: Beginner to Master